Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby update

Obviously babies will do what they want when they want but I am tentatively scheduled to be started on sat the 31 of jan. Depending on how things are going at my next appointment i'll either go in friday night or sat morning. So crazy crazy, we're having a baby next week!!! Hopefully that will give me enough recoop time to go back to school tuesday night and it will be before Grama leaves for Canada the next week. Paisley wont have to share her bday and if she comes on the 31st we'll still basically have our bdays all in a row.....31, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....i know we're missing a few in between, but they wont ever get filled in so, we'll just make do with what we have.
Also, we'll probably have her blessed the first weekend in march. so that's what we know, if anythign changes i'll post again!!

1 comment:

Hieb Family said...

I am a bit jealous, I am still sicker than a dog with my pregnancy!